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Complimentary to all students and to GSA members

Join us at this virtual event, with its inspiring talks and networking. We will bring together semiconductor industry women leaders and university STEM students for candid, in-depth conversations about our industry and why it’s vital to increase women representation at all levels.

The event will start with an insightful keynote from one of the most successful women in the European technology industry: Françoise Chombar, co-founder and CEO of MELEXIS, an integrated-circuits world leader with a EUR 4 billion market capitalization. Two recently graduated women will then share their personal experience and explain why they recently chose to work in the technology and semiconductor industry.

Participants will be encouraged to ask questions to the speakers and we will facilitate virtual networking among everyone. We will celebrate women in STEM universities, business, and leadership who inspire, engage, and empower others in technology.

Speakers: Angelique Van Der Burg, Anna Bleier, Françoise Chombar, Yiling Zhang


Pricing: $0 Students & GSA Members | $49 GSA Guests